Please read the message below before you register.
Cancellation Policy
Notification of cancellation must be submitted in writing to the AADSM National Office. A $50.00 administrative fee will be withheld on cancellations postmarked on or before April 25, 2025. No refunds are possible after this date. If you are registered for the meeting and do not attend, you will not be provided a refund.
AADSM Participation Disclaimer
The AADSM, its contractors and attending news media may be photographing or videotaping, scientific sessions and events at the Annual Meeting. By attending the 2025 AADSM Annual Meeting, attendees acknowledge these activities and agree to allow their image to be used by the AADSM in association publications, on the AADSM website and in marketing and promotional materials. Attendees at the 2025 AADSM Annual Meeting waive all claims against the AADSM for any liability resulting from these uses.
AADSM Privacy Policy
Click here to view the AADSM's Privacy Policy.
Photography/Recording Policy
Photography and/or recording of any kind (other than by the AADSM or registered press approved by the AADSM) of sessions, speakers and the exhibit hall is strictly prohibited. No cameras will be allowed on the exhibit floor or in the meeting rooms at any time. Violation of this rule could result in the confiscation of the film or recording device and removal of an individual from the meeting.
Any opinion expressed or communicated regarding any product, device or appliance during an AADSM educational program is solely the opinion of the individual(s) expressing or communicating that opinion, and not that of the AADSM.
The AADSM does not endorse or recommend any products or services. The AADSM does not review, investigate, or otherwise approve the quality, type, message, nature, or value of any product or service discussed in the course and assumes no liability of any kind for any verbal or written information provided by speakers or attendees. We encourage you to conduct your own independent research to verify and investigate any company prior to purchasing its products or services. Please consult your own professional legal, financial and medical advisors for advice concerning any products or services discussed.
As a result, AADSM disclaims any warranty or guarantee about the performance of any recommended product, device or service. AADSM provides a forum for the discussion of best practices in the field, but participants agree by attendance at AADSM events that AADSM has no liability or responsibility for any clinical or other outcomes from the matters discussed at their meetings.
The AADSM cautions participants about the potential risks of using limited knowledge when incorporating techniques and procedures into practice when they have not had supervised clinical experience or demonstrated competency.
Industry Support
While the AADSM appreciates the support of exhibiting companies, the AADSM does not endorse or recommend any of the products or services offered by exhibitors, advertisers, or sponsors. The exhibit hall is simply available as a convenience for attendees who may want to learn more or compare various offerings.
The AADSM does not review, investigate, or otherwise approve, the quality, type, message, nature, or value of any product or service marketed by exhibitors and assumes no liability of any kind for any verbal or written information provided by any exhibitor, advertiser, or sponsor or their employees, agents, or representatives. We encourage you to conduct your own independent research to verify and investigate each company and its products or services. Please consult your own professional, legal, financial and medical advisors for advice concerning products and services offered.
AADSM Code of Conduct
Please click here to review the AADSM's official guidelines and requirements for behavior in an AADSM meeting. All meeting participants must observe all AADSM standards at all times. Violations of this code are taken seriously and may in the sole discretion of AADSM to actions including, but not limited to ending the participation in a course or future AADSM meetings or trainings.
Membership Disclaimer
To register as a member, the registrant must currently be an individual member of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. If the AADSM is unable to confirm that the individual is a member, the AADSM will register the individual as a nonmember for all sessions at the prevailing fees. To become a member and take advantage of the membership benefits, you must apply for membership prior to the time of submission of your AADSM Annual Meeting registration form. Membership applications are available at
COVID-19 and Mitigation of Infectious Illness
If a participant is not feeling well, they are encouraged to seek appropriate medical assistance and not attend a public meeting. Specifically, COVID-19 is an endemic virus, and participants are expected to follow all local, state and federal regulations concerning mitigation of the COVID-19 virus or other illnesses where public health authorities have provided advisories regarding public meetings. AADSM supports participants, staff, guests and vendors who voluntarily choose to use masks to reduce their risk of exposure to COVID-19 and other illnesses. Participants should respect the personal boundaries that others may have due to their desire to mitigate the risk COVID-19 and other infectious illnesses. AADSM assumes no liability for illness caused by COVID-19 or other illnesses. Meeting participants assume the risk of attending public meetings and should exercise precautions appropriate to their circumstances.
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